Craps Code Java


Craps is a casino game that involves the throwing of a pair of dice. Based on the throw, the thrower either gets to continue throw (and win money), or stops throwing (and loses money). Write your solution in a file called

Everyone, i really need some help in this code craps game. Error: C: Users sinner7uk JavaProjects illegal start of expression. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up. import; import. Craps, in case you're particularly sheltered, is a game involving two six-sided dice. The goal is to roll a winning number with the dice before you roll a losing number. Craps has some complicated rules for gambling, but the program you'll write during this hour will focus on dice rolling, winning numbers, and losing numbers. The New Player Welcome Bonuses are only available to players who create an account and make their first deposit at Vegas Hero. To be eligible to claim the New Player Welcome Bonuses, players must deposit a minimum of £10 in Craps Java Program Code one instance, for each bonus. Question about my craps game program; Implementing a simple persistent web game server; Game of craps giving class error; Can I get help with code for game of craps; help on craps; Creating a Hex Map; Segmentation Fault in Craps program; Any Java stuff for creating games?

We wish to write a program that simulates playing craps using a simplified set of rules:

Craps Code Java

If the thrower throws the dice and the sum is either 7 or 11, the thrower wins his bet - 1:1 , and continues to throw. If the thrower throws a 2,3,12 he loses his bet, and will replace his bet with the equivalent of his first bet; he continues to throw.If the player throws anything (a roll we'll call X) other than 2,3,7,11,12, X becomes 'On' and he continues to throw as follows:He throws X againat this point, he wins his bet 1:1 and play resets to the beginningHe throws 7at this point, he loses his bet, and play stopsHe throws anything elseplay continuesFor the purposes of this exercise assume that the thrower always replaces a lost bet with the equivalent of his initial bet and that every time he wins, he pockets his winnings and leaves is initial bet out. You will be given a module called Dice that has the following operation: roll(). roll() returns an integer value that represents the value of the roll of one dice. You should call roll() twice - once for each dice roll. You may wish to print the roll sequence to help you debug. Output will be ignored by the grading program. Your result should be outputted using the appropriate IO operation.

Craps Code Java Free

Ask the user for the following information:

Craps Code Java

An initial bet amount.Compute the winnings of the thrower, and the number of rolls in the thrower's turn. Output them in that order. Losses are indicated by negative winnings.

Java Code for Playing Craps

You may all think that you have some real expertise in playing craps considering that you've been in school for at least 15 years. We are going to make this notion more precise and relate it to a particular dice game that you might find at a casino. We will create this game as an applet. First we will describe the rules of the game, then present the code.

Rules of the Game.A player rolls two dice where each die has six faces in the usual way. After the dice have come to rest the sum of the two upward faces is calculated.

The first roll

  1. If the sum is 7 or 11 on the first throw the roller/player wins.
  2. If the sum is 2, 3 or 12 the roller/player loses, that is the house wins.
  3. If the sum is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that sum becomes the roller/player's 'point'.

Continue given the player's point

  1. Now the player must roll the 'point' total before rolling a 7 in order to win. If they roll a 7 before rolling the point value they got on the first roll the roller/player loses.

This game can get even more complicated when you play it at a 'casino' because the player and everyone else can bet on whether the player or house wins.

The Code. Now we present the code for a GUI to play the game. I have modified the code from an example out of Deitel and Deitel. You should call the applet

You should first implements the code and play the game some before we discuss the code.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Craps extends JApplet implements ActionListener

// constant variables for the status of the game
final int WON = 0, LOST = 1, CONTINUE = 2;
// other variables used in the program
boolean firstRoll = true;
int sumOfDice = 0;
int myPoint = 0;
int gameStatus = CONTINUE;
int numberHouseWins = 0;
int numberPlayerWins = 0;
String divider = '* * * * * * * *';
// graphical user interface components
JLabel die1Label, die2Label, sumLabel, rollLabel, pointLabel;
JLabel lblHouseWins, lblPlayerWins;
JLabel leftDivider, rightDivider;
JTextField firstDie, secondDie, sum, point;
JTextField txtHouseWins, txtPlayerWins;
JButton roll;
public void init( )

// setup graphical user interface components
JPanel display = new JPanel();
display.setLayout( new GridLayout(8,2,10,10) );
die1Label = new JLabel( 'Die 1: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT);
firstDie = new JTextField(3);
die2Label = new JLabel( 'Die 2: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
secondDie = new JTextField(3);
sumLabel = new JLabel( 'Their sum is: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
sum = new JTextField(4);
rollLabel = new JLabel( 'Roll Again: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
roll = new JButton('Roll Dice');
roll.addActionListener( this );
pointLabel = new JLabel( 'Point is: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
point = new JTextField(3);
leftDivider = new JLabel( divider, SwingConstants.RIGHT );
rightDivider = new JLabel( divider, SwingConstants.LEFT );
lblPlayerWins = new JLabel( 'Player wins: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
txtPlayerWins = new JTextField(4);
lblHouseWins = new JLabel( 'House wins: ', SwingConstants.RIGHT );
txtHouseWins = new JTextField(4);

} // end method init( )
// call method play when button is pressed
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

play( );

public void play( )

// process one roll of the dice
if (firstRoll)

sumOfDice = rollDice( );
switch (sumOfDice)

// player wins on first roll
case 7: case 11:

gameStatus = WON;

// house wins - player loses on first roll
case 2: case 3: case 12:

gameStatus = LOST;

// neither wins and point is set
// for game to continue


gameStatus = CONTINUE;
myPoint = sumOfDice;
firstRoll = false;


// if not the firstRoll then need to
// process continuation and/or
// completion possibilities


sumOfDice = rollDice( );
// when gameStatus continue
// need to test whether new roll
// results in win for player
// win for house - loss for player
// or coninuation with current point

if (sumOfDice myPoint)

gameStatus = WON;


if (sumOfDice 7)

gameStatus = LOST;

// checking to see whether game is a continuation
// or has been completed and requires adjustments

if (gameStatus CONTINUE)

showStatus('Roll Again');


// section of code to deal with the end of a game
// where gameStatus is no longer continue
// where wither the player or house has won

if (gameStatus WON)

showStatus('Player wins. ' + 'Click Roll Dice to play again');


showStatus('House wins. ' + 'Click Roll Dice to play again.');


firstRoll = true;


// roll the dice
public int rollDice( )

int die1, die2, workSum;
die1 = 1 + (int) (Math.random( ) * 6);
die2 = 1 + (int) (Math.random( ) * 6);
workSum = die1 + die2;
return workSum;


} // end class Craps

Craps Code JavaTutorial

Craps Code Java Tutorial

Now it helps to have the Craps.html file since the size of the window impacts the display.
<APPLET CODE = 'Craps.class' WIDTH = 230 HEIGHT = 300>

Craps Code Javascript

When you run the program you should see something like the following after you have played a few games.

Craps Code Java

Or you can run the game through a recent browser at the following link.

Now we will discuss the code, which really is quite elaborate.

  • The first section of code imports the usual appropriate packages and classes
    • java.awt.*
    • java.awt.event.*
    • javax.swing.*
  • the overall inclusive class Craps
    • extends JApplet from swing
    • implements ActionListener from java.awt.event
  • a variable is defined for the status of the game
  • other variables associated with certain aspects of the game are declared and initialized
    • whether or not this is a firstRoll in a game
    • what is the sumOfDice
    • what is myPoint that the plyer hopes to match before rolling a seven
    • the gameStatus in terms of the player has WON, LOST or it CONTINUEs
    • numberHouseWins to increment and display each time the house wins
    • numberPlayerWins to increment and display each time the player wins
    • a sting to help partition the GUI
  • a bunch of GUI components
    • JLabels for leeting the program user know the meaning of other entries
      • die1Label
      • die2Label
      • sumLabel
      • rollLabel
      • pointLabel
      • lblHouseWins
      • lblPlayerWins
      • leftDivider
      • rightDivider
    • JTextFields for reporting the results of different aspects of the game
      • firstDie value
      • secondDie value
      • sum
      • point
      • txtHouseWins to display numberHouseWins
      • txtPlayerWins to display numberPlayerWins
    • a JButton roll to cause the dice to be rolled
  • the method init( ) is used to develop the GUI and add the components to the GridLayout with 8 rows and 2 columns
    • this code should be pretty self explanatory by now
  • the actionPerformed( ) method that responds to the user clicking on the roll button by invoking the play( ) method
  • the play( ) method which contains the rules of the game in code
    • first need to distinguish between if it is the firstRoll
      • roll the dice using rollDice( ) so results are returned and displayed
      • run a switch on the outcome
        • case: player wins on a sum of 7 or 11
          • adjust gameStatus to WON
          • blank text field displaying the point
        • case: house wins on a sum of 2, 3 12
          • adjust gameStatus to LOST
          • blank text field displaying the point
        • case: neither wins on remaining outcomes of roll
          • adjust gameStatus to CONTINUE
          • set myPoint to sumOfDice
          • display myPoint in point text field
          • change status of dirstRoll boolean variable to false
    • else not the firstRoll
      • roll the dice using rollDice( ) so results are returned and displayed
      • test whether someone wins or game continues based on whether the roll matches myPoint
      • if sumOfDice myPoint
        • set gameStatus to WON for player wins
      • else if sumOfDice 7
        • set gameStatus to LOST for player loses
    • if gameStatus continue
      • tell player to roll again through message in the status bar
    • else someone has won
      • if player has won so gameStatus WON
        • show result in status bar
        • increment the number of player wins
        • setText to display the number of player wins
      • else house has won
        • show result in status bar
        • increment the number of house wins
        • setText to display the number of house wins
      • in either case need to set firstRoll back to true to start a new game
  • the method to rollDice( )
  • declare variables to contain result of roll on each die and their sum
  • generate the random roll on the first die using
    • 1 + (int) (Math.random( ) * 6)
  • generate the random roll on the second die using
    • 1 + (int) (Math.random( ) * 6)
  • find workSum the sum of the two dies
  • display all of these in the appropriate text field
    • notice how the integers must be formed into strings using the toString( ) method of the Integer class
  • return workSum, the sum of the dice

Finally, did you here about the woman who was home crying because her husband was out shooting craps and she didn't know how to cook it?