Evan Silverstein Poker


Hand #217: On the last hand of heads up, Cliff Josephy raised to 60,000 from the button. Evan Silverstein raised all in. Josephy asked for a count, then made the call for 680,000 total.


Evan Silverstein Poker

Evan Silverstein Poker Game

The flop was huge for Silverstein, making him the favorite. According to the PokerNews Odds Calculator Silverstein was a 66% favorite to win the hand. The on the turn was not one of those outs though, and Silverstein was still looking to catch up. It was the on the river that sealed the deal and gave the victory to Josephy.

Evan Silverstein Poker Rules

Hand #164: Silverman folded the button. Cliff Jospehy raised to 55,000 from the small blind. Evan Silverstein reraised all in for 591,000 from the big blind. Evan Silverstein live updates from poker tournaments. Sign In / Register. Poker Coverage: Poker Legislation Poker. Black Chip Poker 100% up to $1,000 Sports Betting Poker. Hand #199: Cliff Josephy raised to 50,000 preflop and was called by Evan Silverstein in the big blind. Action checked to the turn where the board read. Silverstein bet 62,000 and won the hand. Hand #200: Silverstein raised to 50,000 and was called by Josephy in the big blind. On the flop Silverstein led for 50,000 and won the pot when Josephy.